Class 4
Welcome to Class 4
A taste of class 4
Welcome to Class 4 - Year 5 and 6
4th September 2024
Class 4 – Welcome to the New School Year 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all well and have had a wonderful Summer. We are looking forward to hearing all of the children’s news from the holidays and have lots of exciting plans in place for everyone to enjoy.
Class Four are taught by Mrs Donnelly-Stott (Monday) and Mrs Thornton (Tuesday-Friday). We also have French lessons with Mme Walsh on Wednesdays and Guitar with Mrs Makinson on Fridays.
Following our very exciting discovery of the Border Reivers mystery box, during our discovery day, we will be learning all about them and linking this to our local area knowledge. We will also be having an exciting visit from the Tullie House experts into our school to learn more about the Border Reivers and hope to see some special artefacts from the time.
In Science we will be learning about the ‘Living things and their habitats’. We will be working on our explanations and understanding of enquiry style questions.
Spelling – New spellings for this term will be available via our new Google Classroom page and our class web page. The weekly spellings can also be accessed on ‘Spelling Shed’ for the children to practise them each week.
Please add your child onto the new Google Classroom page when you log in.
We will start with a group of 10 spellings and add 5 new spellings each week to the same list in order to further consolidate the learning.
For example, we will start with 10 spellings then add 5 new ones each week and gradually remove the first 5 spellings weekly to maintain a list of 15 words.
Spellings will be linked onto Google Classroom and will also be uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Spelling Shed should be accessed and practised at home regularly.
Guided reading – We will be starting the term with some Roald Dahl texts in class. The children will be given homework based on the texts which will usually include some reading to do at home as well. The children are also expected to read daily at home from their own chosen text and log their reading on Boom Reader (link available on Google Classroom).
Homework – Weekly homework will be available on Google Classroom. Maths and guided reading homework will be uploaded weekly and should be completed and returned before the following week.
Maths – Please continue to help and encourage your child to learn all of their times tables. The children should also practise these using ‘Times Table Rockstars’ (the fun games website school subscribes to; each child has a log in for this). They will have a class tables test each Friday alongside a Big Maths test – the Learn It’s are based on the previous week’s test.
Maths homework will continue to be set on Google Classroom on a Monday to be completed for the following Monday and submitted online.
This term, PE will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Gymnastics at Penrith Leisure centre starting this Thursday and each Thursday afternoon during this half term. The children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Please include warm PE clothes and spare socks if needed due to changeable weather.
Equipment – please ensure your child brings a water bottle every Monday. Water bottles should be approximately 500ml in size and unbranded. Water bottles will stay in school during the week and the children will bring them home on Fridays.
The children will also need their coat, book bag/school bag, indoor shoes, trainers, waterproof over-trousers and wellies in school each day. No pencil cases will be needed as the children will have their own pen pack in school. The children will be allocated a numbered school guitar and should bring their school guitar on each Friday. They will bring it home to use and practise at home throughout the week. Please ensure guitars are kept in a safe place at home.
As always please ensure all clothing, belongings and shoes are clearly labelled.
We’re all looking forward to seeing you and having an exciting term at school.
Yours sincerely
A. Thornton and L. Donnelly-Stott
Spellings Year 5 and 6
- Spelling Shed Link
Dance Mat Typing Learn to type the fun way!
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