Welcome! Bienvenue, Willkommen, Mirё se erdhe, Dobrodošli, Добредошли,
Vítejte, Kalwsorisate, Benvenuti,
Boyei malámu, Sveiki atvykę, Witam, Bem-vindo, Bun venit, Добропожаловать,
Soo dhawoo, Bienvenido, Karibu, Hoşgeldiniz, آپ کا استقبال ہے,
நல்வரவு, ਜੀ ਆਇਆ ਨੂੰ।, پخير, 欢迎, 歓迎, स्वागत, ברוך הבא,
સ્વાગત, καλωσόρισμα, স্বাগত, ترحيب,
Thank you for your interest in Morland Area C of E Primary School. I will try and give you a flavour of what our school is like – and you will gauge this from the website, but the best way to get a feel for our lovely school is to come and visit us during a school day. We would love to see you!
Our prime focus is that children are happy to come to school. Unhappy children will never learn effectively. We value childhood as it is a very short and special time where children should be able to play and learn at the same time. We aim to provide a balance so children can excel in their education and have fun doing it.
We value all aspects of the curriculum, including sport, music and the arts, and children are encouraged to achieve their best. As a result, children have made very strong progress over recent years in all areas of school life.
Learning is a partnership between home and school, and your role is crucial: we aim to keep you well informed and you are always welcome to come into school to talk to us. We very much believe that every child matters and we seek to provide the very best of opportunities for all children.
If you would like to come into school to find out more, please do call us and we will be happy to give you a tour. We look forward to meeting and working with you.
Mrs Donnelly-Stott
At Morland School...
We are always busy! Whether it's sporting competitions, Christmas plays, fundraising for charity or working on local community projects, we always have something on the go. We pride ourselves on playing a big part in the local community and have strong links with our local church. Keep up to date with us via our instagram facebook and twitter feeds.
Mission Statement
Our core values are honesty, togetherness, compassion, reverence and wisdom
- Individually we try to be honest so that we can learn from our mistakes and thus change and improve.
- As a school community we strive for togetherness as we are all one family.
- We look for compassion within ourselves so we can care for others and help them.
- In our worship we show reverence to demonstrate our deep respect for all humanity and everyone’s beliefs.
- Whilst learning we take time to understand and develop wisdom so that we can use our knowledge wisely.